Announcements – January 5, 2020
Taizé Meditation & Discernment Circle
Our next Meditation Service of scripture, prayer, song and quiet meditation will be January 9 @ 5:30. The Discernment Circle will follow at 6:30 pm. Beginning in February, a Taizé meditation service will be held on the first Thursday of the month. Learn more about the Discernment Circle in Cross Words. Click below.
Read the Latest edition of CrossWords from Fr. Rick Cross.
Today at Columbia Street Baptist Church
We serve lunch at Columbia Street today. Everyone is welcome to share the meal at noon. Thank you all for your contributions and labors of love.
Epiphany Party tonight!
Tonight at 6 PM is our Epiphany Party for the “burning of the greens”. Talk to Pete or Mary Ann if you need directions to the farm.
*bring your tree and other greens to burn
*bring a simple finger food for our potluck supper
*Hot Wassel and other beverages will be provided
Main Street + Church
Join us on Friday, January 10, 2020 at 6 pm at the Brewer Congregational Church for the next meeting of Main Street + Church.
It’s that time again! Save the date for the Annual meeting. It is January 26, 2020.
Please send Rita your report as a Word document; No formatting is necessary. 1/17 (midnight) Annual Committee reports are due to Rita. Those responsible for submitting annual reports please see the detailed email from Rita Poirier for compiling the Annual Report for the St. Pat’s annual meeting which will be held on Sunday, January 26, 2020.
From our music Director, Maryann Perry
Thank you everyone for your generous Christmas gift. I so appreciate how you have always participated in making a joyful noise here at St. Patrick’s. It certainly makes my job easy and enjoyable. I look forward to 2020 as we make music together. —Maryann
From our deacon, Peggy Day.
Dear St. Patrick’s family,
Thank you so much for your very generous monetary Christmas gift. It is very much appreciated. I so enjoy my ministry among you. You are wonderful people to be with and I love you all very much. Thank you again for thinking of me. I feel honored to be with you. Peace and may you and your families have a wonderful new year full of love and joy. Peace, Peggy
An opportunity to Learn for a good cause
You’re invited to participate in a fundraising event for CourageLIVES, a program in Maine for survivors of human trafficking! During this event, participants will learn to work with fondant, an edible dough-like icing commonly used to decorate cakes. Participants will learn to make a turtle, and owl, and a puppy during the class. The class will last about an hour and a $15 donation is suggested. Donations will go directly to the CourageLIVES program. For more information or to sign-up, please contact Savanna Power at 207- 468-6262 or by email at RESERVATION REQUIRED AS SPACES ARE LIMITED. Date: January 11th, 2020 Time: 10am-11am or 2pm-3pm Location: St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church.
See the brochure on the Common Room table for photos of the project.
Faith Linking in Action
Child Care Team: The next Childcare Team meeting will be Jan 14, 6-7:30 at First United Methodist Church, Essex Street, Bangor. We will be preparing for the next legislative session and discuss proposals that will affect affordable childcare. The Team is ready to expand awareness of the need for safe and affordable childcare so we can be effective in their advocacy. We are also planning our third annual Week of the Young Child event which will be held in April. Let Mary Ann Perry know how you can help. or contact the chairperson, Roz Fisher
Food Access Committee: Food Access Committee: FAC has been collecting completed surveys from the participants and beneficiaries of each garden about how the gardens functioned looking for suggestions to improve each garden. Peg Olson has circulated surveys and if anyone else has comments about the garden please see Peg! FAC had a holiday party celebrating a better year for produce in most of the gardens and getting to know each other better. FAC meets from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm on the second Thursday of each month at Food AND Medicine. Our next meeting, we will be planning the 2020 planting season! Come be a part of the excitement!
Transportation for All meeting will be Thursday, January 16 from 9-11 at Peace and Justice Center of Eastern Maine, 96 Harlow Street, Bangor, Me. Discussion will include measures to educate and persuade to keep the bus terminal hub at Pickering Square. The Bangor City Council is addressing this issue again after two extensive and expensive investigations which concluded that Pickering Square is the best location. Contact Darcy at
Coffee Hour
Please sign up to host coffee hour. The sign-up sheet is on the Common Room table.
Where does the loose offering in the plate go? The Outreach Committee would like to remind folks that the loose plate offering on the second Sunday of the month goes into the Outreach fund. On the third Sunday of the month it goes to the Rector’s Discretionary Fund. On other Sundays it goes into the general fund.
Prayer list updates:
Larry and Bonnie Puls are the contact people for creating the prayer list. If you would like to add or delete someone from the prayer list you can add your request in the Common Room or contact the Puls’ at: or 942-1321 or find their contact information in the new green directory.
Artful Spirit Connection would like to extend our warm and generous appreciation to church member and artist James Day for the beautiful Advent and Christmas icons that he created and have been exhibited since the first Sunday in Advent. They are stunning. Thank you for sharing your tremendous talents and gifts.