Announcements – January 12, 2020
The Discernment Circle that followed our Taize service this past Thursday was an exciting and productive time. Thanks to Fr. John Balecki for leading it and thanks to all who participated!
Mark your calendars for January 26th!
We will be having our Annual Meeting at 10:00 in the Undercroft, followed by a yummy Pot Luck Lunch !
There is a sign up sheet in the Common Room for lunch. Please sign up! We need help setting up, cleaning up and, of course, food!! (We have THE best cooks at St. Patrick’s!!)
1/17 (midnight) Annual Committee reports are due to Rita. Please send Rita your report as a Word document. No formatting is necessary.Those responsible for submitting annual reports please see the detailed email from Rita Poirier for compiling the Annual Report for the St. Pat’s annual meeting which will be held on Sunday, January 26, 2020.
Faith Linking in Action
Child Care Team: The next Childcare Team meeting will be Jan 14, 6-7:30 at First United Methodist Church, Essex Street, Bangor. We will be preparing for the next legislative session and discuss proposals that will affect affordable childcare. The Team is ready to expand awareness of the need for safe and affordable childcare so we can be effective in their advocacy. We are also planning our third annual Week of the Young Child event which will be held in April. Let Mary Ann Perry know how you can help. or contact the chairperson, Roz Fisher
Food Access Committee: Food Access Committee: FAC has been collecting completed surveys from the participants and beneficiaries of each garden about how the gardens functioned looking for suggestions to improve each garden. Peg Olson has circulated surveys and if anyone else has comments about the garden please see Peg! FAC had a holiday party celebrating a better year for produce in most of the gardens and getting to know each other better. FAC meets from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm on the second Thursday of each month at Food AND Medicine. Our next meeting, we will be planning the 2020 planting season! Come be a part of the excitement!
Transportation for All: Let’s show City Council that we support Pickering Square! Come to Bangor City Hall Jan. 13 @ 5:30.
The Bangor City Council is holding a workshop in which the proposed redesign of Pickering Square with the new bus hub will be presented. There will be time for public comment, but there will also be a show of hands requested to see who present favors the hub staying in the square and who opposes it. Two separate studies have recommended keeping the hub in Pickering Square, and this proposed design does that, while also making the square safer and more beautiful for our entire community.
Transportation For All is encouraging ALL bus riders and supporters to join us on the 13th to show your support for the new hub in Pickering Square. Two expensive studies also support keeping the hub in Pickering Square.
Please come stand in solidarity with us and raise your hand for the hub!
Regular meeting of TFA is 3rd Thursday of each month, so this week, Jan. 16 @ 9-11am at the Peace and Justice Center, 96 Harlow Street, Bangor (across the street from the library) for more information contact Darcy Cooke at Food AND Medicine:
Coffee Hour
Please sign up to host coffee hour. The sign-up sheet is on the Common Room table.
Where does the loose offering in the plate go? The Outreach Committee would like to remind folks that the loose plate offering on the second Sunday of the month goes into the Outreach fund. On the third Sunday of the month it goes to the Rector’s Discretionary Fund. On other Sundays it goes into the general fund.
Prayer list updates:
Larry and Bonnie Puls are the contact people for creating the prayer list. If you would like to add or delete someone from the prayer list you can add your request in the Common Room or contact the Puls’ at: or 942-1321 or find their contact information in the new green directory.