St. Patrick’s Live Streaming 10 am Sunday Services

Dear St. Pat’s Congregation,

Happy St. Pat’s Day!  Hope this finds each of you healthy and active! 
On Sunday, I told you there would be a Town Hall Zoom meeting with Bishop Brown today and afterwards there would be a meeting of our clergy, wardens, and Worship Team.  Those meetings happened.
We learned from Bishop Brown there will be no in-person church services for a minimum of 7 to 8 weeks.  So our first trial of Facebook live-streaming this past Sunday was a good thing!  We had 14 people log in to participate via the live-stream!  Some from out of state or away-family homes!!  
During the next two months, we will be live-streaming our liturgies at our usual 10:00 am Sunday time.  But the only people who will be in church will be the main celebrant (Lev, Rick, or Morning Worship Leader), our deacon, Mary Ann for music, and Jamie for the live-stream camera operation.  We will live-stream Eucharist this Sunday and Morning Worship on the following Sunday as scheduled.  Please join in the live-stream for those liturgies.  The Worship Team will be meeting later to work on Palm Sunday and Holy Week.
For the people who were not aware of our live-streams, you can access them through both a link on the Home Page of the St. Patrick’s Website and on our Facebook page.  The live-streams are usually open a few minutes before 10:00 am.  The Worship Bulletin for each Sunday will be available via this email group, the Website, and a Facebook post.  Please remember, we are new to this process and to be gentle and kind to each other as we work out any glitches that may appear! 
Please send to Larry and Bonnie Puls names of anyone you would like to be included in the Prayers of the People. The email address is
As we go through this very different and troubling time being physically separated from our church family remember to pick up the phone and talk to each other!  We are all in this same boat of uncertainty and longing for normalcy, as crazy and unpredictable as that can be.  Reach out through phone calls, letters, cards to parishioners you know and those you’d like to get to know better!  
Cannon Barbara Martin says, “Spread the Gospel, not the virus!”
Love to you all,  We will come through this, God willing.
Peg Olson