Vestry Summary – October 2020

St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church Vestry Meeting
October 15, 2020
This summary is provided to highlight vestry discussions that may be of interest to the
congregation. Complete minutes follow this summary.

 Finance
Budget through Dec 31 Actual through Sept 30
Total Income $77,892 $53,390
Total Expenses $83,577 $57,138
Net $-5,685 -3,747.47
If our loan through the Paycheck Protection Program is forgiven, we can add that
$11,560.25 to our Total Income.
Please keep your pledge payments current. They are vitally important, especially during
this time.
 The Diocese has launched an on-line giving platform through their web site Currently there doesn’t appear to be any way to designate the
funds for a specific purpose. The vestry is investigating further.
 Donations for the on-line auction are being accepted during October, on Tuesdays 4 –
6pm and Saturdays 1 – 3. Time to scour your house for treasures to donate.
 Rick and the Wardens will be working with Canon Michael Ambler to schedule a Mutual
Ministry Study to take place during December. This will help identify our goals and
inform our 2021 budget. Further details will be forthcoming.
 St. Pat’s will hold a virtual election vigil starting when the polls close on Nov 3, through
Nov 4, culminating with a Taizé meditation service.
 Paula is working to clean up old information on the web site, and make the landing page
more friendly.
 Outreach recently donated $300 to Food and Medicine for their Solidarity Baskets; $100
to Partners for Peace; and $400 to The Brewer Ministerial Association for heating
 In-person services will begin Oct 25.
 The next Vestry Discussion Meeting will be o Nov 5 at 6:00 pm, and will focus on racism.