Vestry Summary – December 2020

December 17, 2020

This summary is provided to highlight Vestry discussions that may be of interest to the congregation.  Complete minutes follow this summary.

  • Finance 
 Budget through Dec 31Actual through Nov 30
Total Income$77,892$65,893
Total Expenses$83,577$68,610

Please keep your pledge payments current.  They are vitally important, especially during this time.

  • St. Patrick’s Annual Meeting will take place on January 31, via Zoom, during our 10:00 a.m. service.  The formal meeting announcement will be mailed by USPS to all parishioners (in accordance with our By-Laws) on January 10, and additional information will be emailed to parishioners closer to the date of the meeting.  Instructions will be included for those who do not have internet connectivity, and wish to participate by phone.
  • We received a technology grant of $2,000 from the Episcopal Diocese of Maine.  Rev. Lev Sherman purchased for St. Pat’s a hand-tilt-zoom camera and controller for $1,440.  The balance of the funds will be used to upgrade our web site.
  • Jamie would like to step away from the role of Minister of Technology.  A committee (David, Christine, Jamie, and Larry) has been formed to create a written position description and recommend an amount of money to be included in the 2021 budget for this position.
  • Vestry members will be contacting parishioners in the coming weeks to distribute 2021 pledge envelopes.  Tom will be following up with folks who haven’t yet returned their pledge card.
  • Small group Mutual Study discernment sessions are taking place in January and February.  The goal is to listen to where the spirit is leading us as a congregation.  Paula Baines still has a few openings in her evening sessions if you would like to participate.
  • There will be a Taizé/Meditation Service (via Zoom) at 6:30 p.m. on January 6, followed by a Discernment Circle, to nominate St. Pat’s leadership for the coming year.  All are encouraged to participate.