Vestry Summary – November 2020

November 19, 2020

This summary is provided to highlight Vestry discussions that may be of interest to the congregation.  Complete minutes follow this summary.

  • Finance 
 Budget through Dec 31Actual through Oct31
Total Income$77,892$58,660
Total Expenses$83,577$62,464

If our loan through the Paycheck Protection Program is forgiven, we can add that $11,560.25 to our Total Income.  Please keep your pledge payments current.  They are vitally important, especially during this time.

  • There is a new on-line giving option through the web site.  You can specify a one-time or recurring gift for a particular church, put there is no way to designate how the funds are to be applied.  The Vestry is continuing to look at how we might use this site.
  • The on-line auction will be rescheduled when the Vestry feels it can be done safely.
  • Stewardship letters and pledge cards have been sent out.  Ingathering is December 5.
  • There will be a Vestry retreat (via Zoom) on December 5, led by CN. Michael Ambler.  This begins the Study of Mutual Ministry, as we discern our future goals.
  • The Study of Mutual Ministry concludes with another retreat on January 23, 2021
  • Paula and Christine will be scheduling (Zoom) Seat At The Table sessions in December, January and February.  Themes from the December 5 Vestry Retreat will be discussed.
  • Tom is working hard to maintain our building and grounds.  See the Minutes for details on his efforts.
  • St. Patrick’s Annual Meeting will be January 31, 2021, via Zoom. 
  • On January 6, there will be a Taizé service, via Zoom, followed by a Discernment Circle, to identify Vestry members for 2021. 
  • Lev is submitting an application from St. Patrick’s to the Diocese for a grant to purchase a wall mounted video camera for our worship space.
  • Dignity First has applied for a grant from the Diocese to help in the purchase of an apartment building to serve our homeless neighbors.  The Vestry has provided a letter of support.