Announcements – February 28, 2021

February 28, 2021


As we begin our year of Gratitude, the Outreach committee is looking for a few folks to donate towards our bag lunches for the homeless. At this point ,all that is needed are individual bags of chips and a  wrapped dessert of some form. We will deliver 40 bags  to Columbia St. Church on March 7th. Items can be dropped off at St. Pats by Sat March 6th or at Pat Blethen’s home. Contact Pat at or please email if you would like to help out.


  • Cynthia is grateful for an unexpected compliment which made her day,  She is also very grateful for a large donation that Project Linus received which will provide all of the batting needed for this years blankets!
  • Pat is grateful for the unexpected and timely ways that God provides!  Cynthia mentioned that she had a bunch of large yoghurt containers that she wanted to get rid of and asked if we could use them for Columbia St,  Outreach doesn’t  need them for that purposed but Pat had been trying to figure out what to use to get soup to the Warming Shelter. These containers will be perfect! Cynthia commented that she would drop them off on Thursday when she was in town.  The timing is great as the containers are needed for soup to be delivered on Friday.  God is good!
  • We are all grateful for the successful completion of surgery on Father Rick this past Monday and for his continued healing and recovery. Thanks be to God! 

Scripture to contemplate this week

The Lord gives perfect peace to those whose faith is firm. So always trust the Lord because he is forever our mighty rock.

Isaiah 26: 3-4 CEV


Photo by Fr. Rick Cross

We are using the Lenten Altar Frontal that Jim Day created for us last year.

See Mary Ann’s email dated Feb 24 (11:16 AM)  to view the attached lovely description of the symbolism of the Altar Frontal. We are indeed blessed to have Jim as a talented artist who shares his gifts with St. Pat’s.  Thank you Jim! 

Lent Frontal designed and created by James Day.