Announcements for April 18, 2021
There is still time to register for
Praying, Seeing, and Pausing
with Art
Sunday, April 18, 2021
4:00 pm – 5:30 (Zoom)
Please join St. Patrick’s Artful Spirit Connection to view and discuss a piece of interesting art. Using
Zoom technology, we will begin with prayer and then Lee will show an artwork in quiet for your
inspection and thoughts. We will then open it up for your impressions and connection with your own
journey. After a break, we will revisit the artwork and again just look and again share. (We will have
questions for those who wish a focus.)
There is no prior experience needed for this exercise – just a willingness to share or witness and have
fun. All impressions are helpful; this will be an enriching time as we hold 2021 in prayer.
Please join us on Zoom Sunday, April 18th from 4:00 – 5:30 pm for this offering from Artful Spirit
Connection. Please register by emailing or calling 207-974-9517.
Greetings from Food AND Medicine!
We’d like to encourage everyone in our congregation to become a part of the Food AND Medicine in 2021. You
can do this by becoming a member, making a donation, or volunteering.
Food AND Medicine (FAM) is an organization focused on building a caring and compassionate community, that
see barriers EVER to being a part of this community! Please consider joining their ranks or making a contribution
today. Thank you!
Outreach News
St. Patrick’s recently received a note expressing gratitude from the Brewer Area Food Cupboard for our financial donation:
“It is estimated that one in five households struggle with food inconsistency. Each month we
distribute thousands of pounds of food and household necessities to those in our area that use our
services. The need is ongoing, that’s why every donation we receive is so important. We appreciate
and value people and organizations like yours. Together we are making a real difference for people
in need – and that’s something to be proud of.”
The Outreach Committee voted to make a donation to the Food Cupboard since this is an
organization which St. Patrick’s has strongly supported for many years. We’ve learned that the Food
Cupboard can actually purchase food at a much lower price than it costs us for the same item. This
is why Outreach decided to make a financial donation rather than sponsoring a food drive. Of course
donations of food are always welcome! Even though the church has been closed some parishioners
have continued faithfully dropping off food items for the Food Cupboard. For those who wish to
continue providing specific items, consider donating paper products (a roll of toilet paper or paper
towel or box tissues.) The Food Cupboard is not allowed to buy these items with the donations that
they receive and are totally depended on these items being donated.
The other donation the Outreach Committee recently approved went to the Brewer Ministerial
Association. This is another organization our church has supported for years. It is an organization that various clergy in the greater Brewer area (including St. Patrick’s) are able to refer people to who
are in need of emergency assistance.
Our Lenten collection of food for Courage Lives was a huge success! Michelle reports that they are
“SO appreciative of all of our gifts.” When asked how their food cupboard was doing after these
donations she stated they are doing well! We are low on mac & cheese and cereal bars but otherwise
they are doing great!”
Lee expressed great appreciations for the member of St. Patrick’s who join her “Team Hunger
Fighters” by provided meals for the Warming Center! The Warming Center closed at the end of
March. When it reopens in the fall we will revisit how we may assist.
As shown from these many caring outreach efforts in addition to our regular Columbia St. Lunches we
truly show that St. Patrick’s cares for our neighbors in need.
Holyoke Street Neighborhood Garden is gearing up for the growing season. You can
help by contacting Mary Ann Perry at 570-3113 or You might know
someone who would also like to participate. We will be receiving compost mix at the end of
April or first of May so will begin to prepare for planting then. You might like to help once or on a
regular basis by prepping the beds, planting, weeding, watering, and of course harvesting. We also
will need a list of people interested in receiving produce. Many hands make light work.

Flower beds are looking good right now, but Ellen Fisher needs consistent help to maintain them
throughout the growing season. Please offer to be a summer gardener. Contact Ellen
Columbia Street Luncheon is May 2
Columbia St. Lunch for the homeless is now going to be a warm meal again! When it is our turn
on May 2nd , we will be offering chicken casseroles with green beans, rolls, pickles, and fruit. Dessert will be bread pudding topped with whipped cream. We will need help with the casseroles and fruit.
Email or call Ellen Fisher if you are willing to do so.( or 207-944-7656)Thanks.