Announcements – June 6, 2021
We are selling Hannaford gift cards in Sunday after church. Don’t forget your check book
so you can buy yours! If you need to purchase them on a different day of the week, please
contact Pat or Rita to make other arrangements.
Please look at the items you have at home that may be sold at the yard sale. Contact
Paula or Pat to discuss whether or not to bring them to church. Unlike other years where
the church was very full of items to be packed up and donated, we would like to have as
little as possible left over. Also, we have to bring it all outside the morning of the sale.
Thanks for understanding these constraints! The Yard sale is scheduled for Saturday, July
Outreach: In May, the Clynk account is now over $70. Please contact Pat or Ellen if
there is an organization that you would like to have considered as the recipient of the next
$100 award. The Outreach committee will be discussing this at the June Outreach
Artful Spirit Connection
June’s Creative Offering from Artful Spirit Connection will be on Sunday, June 20 at 4
pm via Zoom. “Writing as a Spiritual Practice,” facilitated by Ardis Mayo, is aimed at
both writers and non-writers. There will be several different types of exercises adapted
from spiritual teachers including Natalie Goldberg, Rami Shapiro, and Patti Digh. There
will be plenty of time for sharing experiences without any emphasis on sharing the
writing. It is not about ‘how to write’ but about how to use writing as a means for
spiritual growth. You only need a pen and paper. To register for this event: https://
Dear Congregation of St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church,
The Faith Linking In Action (FLIA) Board determined it is time for us to branch out from
Food AND Medicine and to work on various independent projects. We are proud of the
relationship we have had with Food AND Medicine and of the respected organization
FLIA has become. We know we will have opportunities to support each other’s goals and
activities in the future. Please stay tuned for further updates about how you can help
FLIA continue to work as an interfaith community to alleviate the problems of the
The FLIA Board
The weather is so wonderful. Could it be that spring has arrived? I think so judging by
the number of black flies around and all the beautiful flowers and trees. So, it feel
strange for me to talk about August, when summer is almost over, but here I go.
18. As you may be aware there will be a Regional Celebration of Baptisms, Confirmations
Receptions, and Reaffirmations on Monday, August 16, 2021 with The Right Reverend
Thomas Brown celebrating. This is the feast of St. Mary the Virgin, Mother of Our Lord
Jesus Christ.
Fr. Rick has asked me to write this to find out how many in our congregation would like
to be baptized, confirmed, or received into the Episcopal Church. Perhaps some might
also like to reaffirm your confirmation vows.
A couple of these require classes prior to the service. So that we can know who needs
what class and how many people would like to take part in each category, please contact
Deacon Peggy as soon as possible so we can plan for the classes. I can be reached by
email: or by phone: (207)745-0299.
Thank you all and may you have a peaceful and joy filled rest of spring.
Dn. Peggy Day