Announcements-July 4, 2021
The yard sale is this Saturday July 10. Please let Paula or Pat know if you have items to donate. The deadline for items to be received is July 7. We will still need help. Please sign up to help on one or more of the following time slots.
- Friday July 9 (4-6 pm) to finish pricing items and placing them in boxes to be moved out the next morning.
- Saturday 7/10 help is need to run the yard sale.
- 6-8 am (plenty of help is needed early in order to get the tables set up outside, items moved out and set up)
- 8-10
- 10-12
- 12-2 (help will be especially needed to pack up any get left over items we need to donate
Hannaford Gift Cards available for purchase If you shop at Hannaford please consider purchasing a Hannaford gift card from the church. This is a fundraiser for the church that doesn’t cost you any extra money! Cards are available to purchase on Sundays after church. Alternative times may be set up by contacting Rita or Pat.

Artful Spirit Connection presents its next creative offering in July. Intro to Liturgical Dance will be held on Sunday, July 18 at 4 pm in the parking lot of St. Patrick’s, 21 Holyoke Street in Brewer. (It will be moved inside if raining). Led by Maryann Perry, St. Pat’s musical director and former dance instructor, Maryann will show us a few basic steps and movements. Participants are encouraged to wear comfortable clothing, either a short scripture or hymn verse that could inspire a liturgical dance. Interested in participating, email Paula Baines at
In less than two months, St. Patrick’s will be hosting Regional Celebration of Baptisms, Confirmations, Receptions, and Reaffirmations on Monday, August 16, 2021 with The Right Reverend Thomas Brown celebrating. This is the feast of St. Mary the Virgin, Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Fr. Rick has asked Peggy Day to invite anyone in our congregation who would like to be baptized, confirmed, or received into the Episcopal Church. Reaffirming one’s confirmation vows is also an option. . A couple of these require classes prior to the service. So that we can know who needs what class and how many people would like to take part in each category, please contact Deacon Peggy as soon as possible so we can plan for the classes. Peggy can be reached by email:
June 25, 2021
Dear St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church and members,
Through its thirty plus years in operation, Shaw House has learned that a key to youth success lies in the commitment and quality of their natural support system. This connection to community is crucial for the long-term viability of a youth’s transition to independence because it provides companionship, role modeling, advice and a safe place within which the youth may continue to better themselves. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of youth that experience homelessness lack these natural supports, often leading to challenges and a feeling of disconnection that can last.
In response to this critical need, Shaw House has partnered with Open Table, a national model that connects youth with community members that are willing to provide support and resources as youth grow into their independence. Volunteers with the Open Table program serve in groups of 5-6 and meet weekly with an individual youth over the course of a year, directly impacting the success of youth through their efforts and providing youth with safe people they can trust and rely on while navigating throughout their young adulthood.
The Shaw House is hosting an information session regarding this new opportunity on July 21, 2021 at 4:00pm. The session will go over the philosophy and research behind the Open Table model, as well as delve into the specifics of the commitment to becoming a table member. The session will take place virtually over Zoom, and is expected to last around 90 minutes with co-facilitators from both Shaw House and Open Table. To RSVP and receive the Zoom link, or for any additional questions, please call 207-941-2882 ext. 102 or email
I look forward to hearing from you!
Lexie Fowler (She/Her)
Special Projects Manager
Shaw House
941-2882 ext. 102