Announcements – March 15, 2020
St. Patrick’s is Live Streaming its March 15 10 am service
In order to access this live stream, there are 3 methods you can use to watch our service.
- Log into Facebook on your computer or smart phone app. If you have already “liked” our Facebook page, you should receive a notification that we have begun alive stream. Click on that notification, and it will take you to the live stream. If you haven’t already “liked” our page, you can go to this link: https://www.facebook.
com/stpatsbrewer/ where the live stream can also be found. - If you don’t have a Facebook account, go to our website and click on the “Watch today’s service now” link. It will take you to the Facebook Live feed. You do not need a Facebook account to watch this feed.
- After the service is completed, the recorded stream will be available on our website and Facebook pages for viewing after service time.
Letters to St. Patrick’s: During the five Sundays of Lent, the second lesson will be read as a letter to St. Patrick’s from one of our neighbors and will highlight the various ways that the “least of these” and Christ are crucified in our modern world. These letters will then be nailed to a piece of wood and hung on the wall as one of the stations of the cross.
Wednesday evening Lenten services:
Once again, churches that are part of the community Lenten services will be having Wednesday evening services. All services start at 6:30 PM, The first service was here at St. Pat’s last Wednesday and we had a “full house”, over 80 people raising their voices in song. Thank you to all who contributed time, energy and food for this community event. Let’s support the other churches in our community as listed below.
March 18— East Orrington Congregational Church-38 Johnson Mill Rd, Orrington
the Rev. Linette George -preacher
March 25— Lighthouse Church of God–696 River Rd. Orrington
the Rev. Ron Chaffee preacher
April 1— Orrington United Methodist Church– 14 Center Drive, Orrington
Pastor Jerrod Oltman preacher.
THE ANNUAL DIOCESAN SPRING TRAINING March 21 has been canceled. The reason for the cancellation is so that Bishop Thomas and others who wish to attend the memorial service of Gretchen Lane, wife of our retired bishop Stephen Lane, may travel to Rochester, NY that weekend. If you are interested in attending, information on the bus that the Diocese of Maine has engaged and hotel rooms reserved as a block can be found on the diocesan website.
In awareness and caution many of the Faith Linking in Action activities have been adjusted. All Committee meetings of small groups will still hold their monthly meetings so:
Transportation for All will meet this Thursday, March 19 from 9-11 @ Peace and Justice Center, 96 Harlow St., Bangor. Across the street from the Bangor Public Library. All meetings are the 3rd Thursday of each month. contact person is Darcy Cooke: 989-5860
Childcare/jobs team will meet April 7 from 6-7:30 at First United Methodist Church, Essex St., Bangor. They meet the first Tuesday of each month. See details below about the FLIA letter writing campaign. The contact person is Roz Fisher: or Mary Ann Perry 570-3113
Food Access Committee meets the first Thursday of each month. The next meeting will be April 2, 11-1 at Food AND Medicine. Contacts are Josh Kappula: 989-5860 or Peg Olson: 356-9615
Faith Linking in Action is postponing some large gatherings that were planned.
The FLIA Convening for March 25 has been postponed until May. Part of this gathering was to be devoted to writing letters to community leaders and legislators regarding issues we have been addressing. We encourage everyone to participate in this letter writing campaign from home. We will be publishing suggested letters but we strongly encourage you to write very soon to your State Senator and State Representative in regard to the LD 1760 to request passage of the Act to Support Children’s Healthy Development and School Readiness. The entire bill is posted on the bulletin board in the Common Room. This bill is now in the Appropriations Committee and we anticipate it to be on the floor soon.
The Movable Feast Progressive Dinner for April has been changed. See details below.
Please check with Food And Medicine, Brewer and “like” on Facebook to keep up to date with latest meeting types for FLIA and FAM activities. Most will be virtual and digital.
As always please use your own discretion when considering attending any gathering. Remember your health and that of your neighbor.
Good morning everyone,
I want to thank you all for your willingness to make lasagna for the progressive dinner fundraiser for FLIA. Because of recommendations by the CDC re: the Corona virus, This event has changed into a stay at home virtual event, so the lasagna is no longer needed. Please watch for the invitation that will come out soon via facebook.
Thank you all again.Peace,
Acknowledging that Sunday, March 15, 2020 is the 200th anniversary of statehood, we are asking faith communities across this land known as Maine to take a moment of silence or prayer to reflect on the fact that statehood was not a positive experience for all. Statehood came at a great price and with great loss by the Wabanaki, the First Peoples of this land
During this bicentennial year, we have the opportunity to see our past with clearer vision and consider our path forward in the next 200 years. To do this, we must learn the truth about our history and begin the process of reconciliation and decolonization. Together we can create a new way forward — a path working towards right-relationship with our history and the peoples of this land.
We hope you will join us in bringing awareness to your faith community during your next gathering through silence or prayer or reflection. We also invite you to read the following attached statement from historian and executive director of Maine-Wabanaki REACH, Maria Girouard of Penobscot Nation, during your services
Let us join together as people of faith to honor Wabanaki people in Maine and acknowledge the full history of Maine which includes faith communities’ role in the colonization and genocide of the people of the dawn. In faith,
Reverend Carie Johnson (Augusta) Reverend Christina Sillari (Portland)FRO
The event to raise money for the homeless is postponed to a later date. We will work on rescheduling when we feel that the COVID-19 Virus scare is over and behind us. We apologize for any inconvenience but we felt it is in the best interest of everyone’s health and safety. regarding this matter.
Artful Spirit’s reception for the artists from Citizens of Maine that was scheduled for Monday evening has been postponed until June. Please enjoy the artwork which is on display in the parish hall and you may purchase the artwork by contacting Paula Baines.
Coffee Hour: Please sign up to host coffee hour. The sign-up sheet is on the Common Room table.
Where does the loose offering in the plate go? The Outreach Committee would like to remind folks that the loose plate offering on the second Sunday of the month goes into the Outreach fund. On the third Sunday of the month it goes to the Rector’s Discretionary Fund. On other Sundays it goes into the general fund.
Prayer list updates: Larry and Bonnie Puls are the contact people for creating the prayer list. If you would like to add or delete someone from the prayer list you can add your request in the Common Room or contact the Puls’ at: or 942-1321.