
The vestry is the core elected lay leadership group of the parish. As such, each member of the vestry, each candidate who commits to be nominated to serve as a vestry member and the vestry as a group are expected to willingly take a leadership role incorporating the following duties: strategic leadership, role modeling, training and education, and administration.

Vestry meets on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm both in person at St. Pat’s and on Zoom.

Vestry Discussion meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm both in person at St. Pat’s and on Zoom.

You can reach the wardens at

Our 2021 Vestry members are ready for an exciting year of growth at St. Patrick’s!

CO-WARDENS                    Peg Olson and Larry Puls
CLERK                                 Rita Poirier
TREASURER                       David Blethen

Vestry Members

Paula Baines

Jamie Beck

Pat Blethen

Vickie Montgomery

Diocesan Delegates
Mike Gleason
Alternates: Della Gleason and Jane Harburger

Liaisons to the Ministries

 Worship – Jamie/Peg

Office/Administration (office supplies, bulletin printer, etc.) – Larry

Building and Grounds – Larry

Children’s Ministry – Jamie/Pat

Spiritual Growth and Education/SATT- Christine and Paula

Outreach – Pat 

Faith Linking in Action – Peg

Artful Spirit Connection – Paula

Communications/Media (Website, Announcements, Print and TV/Radio, Diocesan Communication Liaison) – Paula & Jamie

Stewardship – Paula

Main Street Church – David

Fundraising – Rita

Hospitality (Coffee Hour, Funeral Fellowship, Special Parish gatherings, etc.) – Vicki

Diocesan/National Church – unassigned
