Prayer Shawl/Creative Crafts


From Prayer Shawls to Creative Crafts and Conversation

Prayer shawls originated in the Hebrew tradition. US Christians began formal Prayer Shawl Ministries in 1998 in Hartford, CT. St. Patrick’s Prayer Shawl Ministry began about that time. Prayer shawls, a constant reminder of God’s love and presence in our lives, are hand-crafted, knitted or crocheted. Prayers are said for the recipient’s comforting, healing, and blessing as they are created. When completed, the shawls are blessed during Holy Eucharist liturgies before being presented with a personal prayer to the recipient.

In response to community requests, the name of the group changed to Creative Crafts and Conversation and now includes the crafting of a variety of projects like making jewelry, yarn spinning, painting, drawing, and knitting various items (such as wool socks, mittens, scarfs, and dolls). While crafting, people enjoy conversation. Attendance fluctuates but there is a core group of four or five each week. All session end with prayer giving thanks for our creations and praying for guidance in our troubled times.

Creative Crafts and Conversation meets on Monday nights from 6-7:30 via Zoom. The group is made up of St. Patrick’s members and folks from the surrounding communities.

You are invited to join us for all or part of the gathering, to work on a craft or to just chat. Contact us at if you are interested in a prayer shawl.