Mark Your Calendars for Spring Training 2020 on Saturday, March 21 in Augusta

Spring Training: You are the light of the world

Join us for Spring Training on Saturday, March 21 at South Parish Church, 9 Church St., Augusta, where we’ll welcome the Rev. Jay Sidebotham to speak about RenewalWorks, the growing movement in the Episcopal Church equipping congregations (and now also individuals!) to assess and grow their spiritual health.
Registration and Morning Refreshments 8:30 am
RenewalWorks Presentation 9:30 am
The Rev. Jay Sidebotham will talk about his own experience as a parish priest, and how RenewalWorks can shift the focus of parishes so that we center our common life on discipleship and our desire for spiritual growth. Following the presentation, we’ll meet in smaller groups to discuss what we’ve learned and what tools we can each take back to our congregations.
Lunch 12:15 pm
Choice of One Workshop 1:00 pm
Eucharist 2:15 pm
Come together for closing worship led by Bishop Thomas Brown
All are encouraged to attend!
Download a flyer or bulletin insert here.